Configure the banner

This article outlines how to configure the banner on a per-page basis, overriding the site-wide banner settings.

Select the 'Banner' tab to customise the banner on a per-page basis.

By default all pages on your site will inherit the site-wide banner settings.

Refer to the site-wide banner settings page for explanations and examples of these banner features.

If you want to deviate from either of these site-wide settings, select the relevant radio button.

Override the Banner title

You can override the title that displays in the banner by entering a new title in the 'Banner title' field.

Adding a Banner title doesn't override the breadcrumb or the URL alias. They will use the Page title unless you manually configure them differently.

Hide breadcrumb

The breadcrumb displays by default. Check 'Hide breadcrumb' to hide it.


Your site will inherit the site-wide background. If you want to change this on your page, open the Background widget and upload a new background. You can also update the 'Blend mode' on the background.

If your site-wide banner has a Featured image, it means that every child page will have a Featured image, you can't remove the featured image on a per-page basis. However you can change the image on a per-page basis in the 'Featured image' widget.

If there are any pages you don't want a Featured image on, you will need to ensure your site-wide banner does not have a Featured image.

Add components to the banner

There are two types of components you can add to the banner. 'Banner components' which display on the banner itself. And 'Bottom banner components' which display below the banner.

Go to the Components section of the manual to learn how to configure each component.

You can add the following components to the banner and they will display within the banner itself:

Bottom banner components

You can add the following components to the bottom of the banner.

Last updated