Navigation card

The Navigation card provides a visual way to highlight content and helps users navigate to content. The card includes a title, image, summary text and link.

This article shows you how to add a Navigation card to the Manual list component.

Below you can see three navigation cards (one per row).

Within the Manual list component under List items, click on the dropdown and select Navigation card as shown below.

The available fields are shown and numbered below.

  1. Title - Set the card title.

  2. Image - Upload an image (or select one from your media library).

  3. Show image as icon - Check this box to resize the image to an icon size (40x40px).

  4. Summary - Enter your custom text.

  5. Link URL - The URL entered here will be the final destination if the end user clicks anywhere in the navigation card.

  6. Size - Set the image size (the options are None, Small or Large).

  7. Theme - Select the light or dark theme.

Note: If you set the image to show as an Icon (point #3), then this will override the image size set at point #6.

Last updated

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