The Callout component can be used to highlight some content (usually better for shorter content blocks).
This section shows you how to add a Callout.
Below is an Callout.
How to add a callout
Step 1: Go to the page you'd like to add the Callout to (or create a new page) and in the Content tab, Components section, select Callout from the dropdown list.
Step 2: Fill in the fields as per below.
Title - Type in the title for the Callout.
Content - Type in your content.
Links - Add in the external link or start typing to find an internal link/page.
Add another item - Here, you can add additional links/buttons.
Theme - Choose whether the Callout will use your site's light or dark theme.
Vertical spacing - Add vertical spacing on the component (above, below or above AND below).
Last updated