Primary navigation
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The Primary navigation is the main navigation for your website. It appears at the top of the page on the desktop below the Secondary navigation.
How your roles and permissions have been configured will determine who can access and configure the menus. If your roles and permissions are out of the box, then only the Site Administrator (and Administrator) can edit the menus.
The instructions below presume the tech team have already created a Primary navigation, even if there are no menu items in it.
Go to Structure > Menus > Primary navigation /admin/structure/menu
Find the Primary navigation
and select Edit menu
If there are no menu links present, select the + Add link
button to add your first Menu link.
Continue to add menu links
Each new link will be added to the top of the menu and have a default weight of 0.
From there you need to place the link in the correct order.
It's recommended to order the menu links as you create them, especially if you have a large menu.
There are two ways to order your menu links:
Use the handles to drag the links around to reorder
Using row weights to set the weight.
Simply grab the handle and drag to the required position. Nest child menu links below the appropriate parent link.
Click Show row weights
to change from handles to weights. Open the dropdown to show the weight.
The lower the weight (e.g. -10)
the higher the link will appear in the menu
The higher the weight (e.g. 10)
the lower the link will display in the menu.
Weights are also applied to child menu links.
To show a menu link item in the navigation the Enabled
checkbox must be filled.
If you want to hide the link from the menu, uncheck the box. If you hide a menu link, any child menu links will also be hidden from the menu.
CivicTheme has three menu styles:
Note: at the time of writing, the styles None
and Dropdown
are broken. Examples will be added when these are fixed.
To configure the menu style:
Go to the Primary navigation setting at /admin/appearance/settings/[site-name]
Scroll down and click to open Navigation
In the Dropdown type
select the desired style
Save the configuration
You can also access menu settings for an individual page from the page itself.
Go to the page in question, and enter edit mode
On the right side of the edit interface click to open Menu settings
Add a Menu link. This is the link that will display in the navigation. If possible, it should match the page title. If the page title is very long you may consider shortening the Menu link.
Add a description if desired. The description displays when a user hovers over the Menu link.
Select the Parent link by opening the dropdown. If the menu is very large it can be challenging to find the right parent, and it might be easier to do this part in the Primary navigation settings as above.
Assign a weight. Again, if the menu is large it might be easier to go to the Primary navigation settings and use the handles to drag it to the right position or view the row weights for the entire menu to know which weight to assign.